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Hip-Hop, Celluloid, Hustlin', Snappin' Heads & Crack for those more ETHEREAL than the rest! Fuckers! ...for life in & of itself is SEXY! and doesn't make sense to LISTEN if you don't LOVE what you HEAR!

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

A Story Worth Noting - Which proves that our country hates us.....and ONLY WANTS OUR $$$$$

Joburg Water saves billions

JOHANNESBURG Water is saving billions of litres of water in Soweto through Operation Gcin'amanzi.

August 11, 2005 By Lucky Sindane

Pensioner Martha Radebe shows off her free-pay water meter
OPERATION Gcin'amanzi, Johannesburg Water's multi-million dollar project to replace Soweto's decaying water infrastructure, has already saved more than four billion litres of the city's water.

A tour assessing the state of the project was held this week, outlining the successes of the programme.

So far "over 21 000 households have been installed with free-pay water meters", according to Jameel Chand, Joburg Water's spokesperson.

A free-pay meter A free-pay water meter works by allowing the first six kilolitres of water to be used free. The household is then charged for any more water it uses........(continue Story here) -->


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